New vintage release: Valserrano Blanco BF 2020
A white Rioja wine with the nobility of Viura grapes and the elegance of wood. Silky smooth and elegant, whilst vigorous and long.
A white Rioja wine with the nobility of Viura grapes and the elegance of wood. Silky smooth and elegant, whilst vigorous and long.
The results of the international contest Singapure Wine Awards 2021 have been recently published and three of our wines have obtained very good ratings: Valserrano Crianza, Valserrano Reserva and Valserrano Finca Monteviejo.
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Tim Atkin has published today his sixth annual Rioja report: Rioja 2021 Special Report.
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Viñedos Y bodegas de la Marquesa – Valserrano wishes you Merry Christmas and Happy New Year 2021.
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